Newhall Orange

About the size of a golf ball, clementines are among the smallest fruits in the mandarin citrus family.


  • Potassium

    helps maintain healthy blood pressure
  • Dietary Fiber

    supports heart health
  • Vitamin A

    needed for healthy vision and immune function
  • Pick
  • Prepare
  • Storage

How do you pick ripe mandarins or clementines?

Choose clementines that are heavy for their size with wrinkle free skin. They should also smell fragrant when ripe!

How do you prepare mandarins or clementines?

A pair of clementines make the perfect snack or a great addition to salads. They can even be sautéed or grilled, and tossed with green beans for a delicious side dish.

How do you store mandarins or clementines?

Clementines will last 2-3 days. If you do not plan on using them during that time frame store in the refrigerator.

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